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Château Montrose 2015
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Château Montrose 2015

2e cru classe - - - Red - See details
€1,194.00 Incl. VAT
€398.00 / Unit
Format : a case of 3 Magnums (1,5l)
3 x 1.5L€1,194.00
1 x 12L€4,080.00
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Marks and reviews

Review by Robert Parker
J. RobinsonJ. Robinson17+/20
Wine SpectatorWine Spectator92/100
R. GabrielR. Gabriel19/20
J. SucklingJ. Suckling98/100
Vinous - A. GalloniVinous - A. Galloni93/100
The Wine IndependentThe Wine Independent95/100
Vinous Neal MartinVinous Neal Martin95/100


Harvesting began at chateau Montrose on the 15th of September and a larger-than-usual team of pickers worked quickly and efficiently until the last grapes were brought in on the 8th of October. The grapes were of a very high quality. Parcel selection was particularly rigorous, sometimes requiring repeated passes through a single parcel so that the grapes were picked at optimal ripeness. On arrival at the cellar, the reception line ensured a high degree of precision: the bunches were sorted at three sorting tables and the berries were then sorted twice more, first optically, then by hand. The grapes have been vinified in accordance with Montrose terroir in different vats for each of the 55 lots from which Montrose team will select in final blending of Grand Vin, with 7 additional lots of carefully selected press wines to choose from. The richness of the lots provided an excellent basis for extremely precise selection of the blend for the Grand Vin, the most radical in 15 years. First tastings indicate that 2015 chateau Montrose will rank among the great vintages at Château Montrose. 

Château Montrose 2015